3 tips to improve your nursing home content marketing

It’s easier than ever before to find reviews, read about patient experiences, and shop for nursing homes. The market is changing, so your content marketing strategy should also. Digital natives are accustomed to having information at their fingertips and immersing themselves with a brand in the digital environment before making a choice. Because choosing a nursing home hinges on both practical and emotional variables, content is an important part of this information loop to educate potential customers about your facilities and build an emotional connection to your site. Accurate, engaging, and up-to-date content can make or break your ability to relate with today’s decision makers.

Consumers often cite “convenience” and “trust” as primary considerations when choosing health care (alongside cost, of course). As a marketer, you may not have control over your facilities’ prices, but you can make it easier for prospective clients to find information, reach out for assistance, and begin building an open, earnest relationship.

The heart of this data suggests customers are looking for two things: ease and reassurance. Content marketing can give them both. 

     1. Don’t be afraid to ask

Improve your content marketing strategy by asking customers what information they need and how easy it is for them to find what they are looking for on your site. Simple web survey tools such as Qualaroo can help you do this on your own, or work with a digital marketing agency to complete a full audit. These results will inform what content is missing (or whether the content you do have is lost or misplaced). Before you start focusing on the bells and whistles such as testimonials or social media, nail the basics.

      2. Empower your customers

Many nursing homes try to increase engagement with their prospective clients by limiting information such as pricing, insurance information, or onboarding processes on their websites. This forces prospective customers to call and engage in a person-to-person information (read: sales) call. Younger generations simply don’t participate in the consumer journey the same way their predecessors did and this can be a huge barrier when they are researching healthcare providers. Whether it’s in the form of periodic informational webinars, newsletters, or transparent online, it’s important to empower your customers to find the information they need up front. All content should be built with the express goal of helping your customers accomplish something on their own, not to drive them into the administrative office. This improves trust, strengthens your relationship with your clients, and helps them feel confident in your nursing home.

      3. Encourage customers to be cheerleaders

Sharing your story with a nursing home can be a very emotional experience. But no content is more engaging and more authentic than real testimonials. Use customer-generated content as the most valuable asset on your site, across your social platforms, and during the customer lifecycle. This content is more than three times likely to generate engagement and shares than anything your marketing department might create, so start identifying your best customers today and encourage them to share their stories.

For more ideas on how to improve your nursing home content marketing strategy, click here to learn more about how our agency has partnered with other healthcare professionals. We’re happy to help tailor an experience to your facility’s unique niche and customer needs.

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