Ed & Lorraine: America’s Demonic Duo & Hollywood’s Inspiration

Ed & Lorraine Warren: America’s Demonic DuoBy: BIGEYE Posted on October 31, 2017

Join us on an infographic journey as we trace Ed and Lorraine Warren’s career of facing fear and supernatural danger full force, in the well-documented cases of The Perron Family and the possessed Raggedy-Ann Doll, Annabelle.

A couple devoted to revoking dangerous spirits back to the other side and protecting the living from the sinister forces of evil.

Join us on a journey as we trace Ed and Lorraine Warren’s career of facing fear and supernatural danger full of force, in the well-documented cases of The Perron Family and the possessed Raggedy-Ann Doll Annabelle.

According to the church, only demonologists are allowed to perform exorcisms.

Ed and Lorraine Warren are two of the most prominent demonologists of all time.


Lorraine Warren, Demonologist:

“The spirit doesn’t see me as a woman or you as a man. The spirit sees the aura, and like attracts like.”okay

Clairvoyant, psychic and light trance medium

Over 10,000 cases of demonology

Most trusted artifact: The Holy Rosary


Ed Warren, Demonologist:

“I learned about demons as a child and proved they exist as a man beyond a shadow of a doubt. Religions are man-made, but spirituality isn’t.”

Grew up in a haunted house

Born in Bridgeport, CT

Ordained exorcist by the church

Most trusted artifact: The Holy Bible


Nothing could have prepared Ed and Lorraine for the spirits that haunted the Perron family’s farmhouse and the case of Annabelle the Doll.


Part One: The Bathsheba Hauntings

Eight generations of hauntings and killings over the years.

Bathsheba: The first owner of The Old Arnold Estate in Harrisville, Rhode Island who would later haunt and threaten the Perron family. According to rumor, Bathsheba Sherman was rumored to have sacrificed her newborn child to the devil.

Upon purchasing the farmhouse, right before the realtor handed the keys to the Perron family, she warned them to “leave the lights ON at night.” Yes, the Perron family knew of the hauntings, but couldn’t handle Bathsheba much longer before calling on Ed and Lorraine for their help. During their stay, Mrs. Carolyn Perron became possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba. Ed and Lorraine tried to help, but in the end only made matters worse for the family by angering Bathsheba. The Perron stories were later referenced in the Hollywood blockbuster movie, The Conjuring.


Part Two: The Annabelle Hauntings

Annabelle Higgins: A possessed Raggedy-Ann doll given as an innocent gift to a nursing student, Donna, but would later become an object of evil and violence.

Legend says the spirit of a 7-year-old little girl named Annabelle, who was murdered in the location where Donna’s new apartment was built, latched on to the doll. A priest told Donna that Annabelle was an innocent spirit; however, he didn’t realize how benevolent she would become. Annabelle tortured Donna and her friends with notes, mysterious blood stains, and even with physical harm.

Out of desperation, Lorraine and Ed were called in. They took the doll back to their home and locked it in a glass box.

A museum visitor opened the glass box and challenged Annabelle to do her worst…He died the next day in a car accident.

Do you dare to visit The Occult Museum, or maybe tour a haunted house this Halloween? If no, make sure to bring an exorcist with you.

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