The top advertising trends for 2015 are here, are you ready

Ron Swanson- it’s a name that brings to mind breakfast, Tammy’s, abhorrence for local government, and staying off the grid. In a particularly memorable scene from NBC’s hit show, “Parks and Recreation”, Ron receives a personalized pop-up ad on his computer and later discovers (to his horror) what happens when he Googles his home address. In an effort to regain his privacy, he tosses his cellphone and computer in the dumpster. Typical Ron.
Fortunately for advertisers, though, most people are not Ron Swanson. Some Facebook users might not even bat an eyelash after seeing a Warby Parker banner ad. But just take a moment to Google eyeglasses nowadays, and you’ll quickly discover that these types of tailored ads are truly an integral part of our web browsing experience. While the decline in “traditional” advertising may still leave a bitter taste to some advertisers, this type of interconnectedness within the digital world is good news for agencies, and a homerun for reaching a highly targeted audience – just as long as the content remains “up to par.”

With a smartphone attached to everyone’s hip (or an Apple watch on their wrist), implementing real-time promotions and advertisements is both convenient and relevant; now, through location services and GPS, advertisers can even geo-target consumers based upon where they are, and at any moment.

Personally, I receive a lot of promotional emails from clothing stores. A lot. Everyday. Did I mention it’s a lot? Yet for every one hundred BOGO coupons cluttering my inbox, I’ll take the time to look at – even possibly use – just one. Sure, I have about 50 items in at least three online shopping carts, but nothing is really compelling me to click on that fateful “Place Order” button. The silver lining: potential new clothes are “piling-up” in my shopping cart, while my wallet stays full. That all changes when I’m out running errands or visiting a new city – those same brands and boutiques that I’ve previously browsed online might employ geo-targeting, sending me push notifications if I’m near a physical, brick-and-mortar store. (And sneakily, they may include a coupon, to dangle the carrot further). That sense of urgency to purchase a shirt I don’t need sure does grow a lot stronger as I think, “Well, I’m already here, I may as well stop in…” Suddenly, it’s bad for my wallet, but boy, oh boy, is it great for business.

Speaking of online browsing, 2015 marks the year of mobile marketing more than ever before. With tablet use increasing and smartphones becoming the size of tablets, mobile web browsing has become the most common way to access the web. [quote]In fact, more than 50% of Internet users are browsing on mobile devices.[/quote] In fact, more than 50% of Internet users are browsing on mobile devices. For companies, this means creating mobile-friendly sites that operate seamlessly on a smartphone, anytime and anywhere. The website’s design can be flawless on a desktop, but without mobile capabilities, it’s content has the potential to miss reaching nearly half of the target market. After all, what good was all the diligent work completed by web designers, if the smartphone user isn’t able to marvel at it’s sleek interface?

There are a series of features that should be standard at this juncture – like in-app calling, directions, ordering-placing, etc. Companies or brands whose mobile sites are not embracing this technology could find themselves way behind the eight ball. I’m not sure about you, but if I can’t quickly look up a local restaurant’s menu on my phone beforehand, I’ll likely choose to dine elsewhere. Call me a diva, but my smartphone and I just don’t have time for that.

Yet all of this is fairly useless if the content your brand is producing lacks quality and authenticity. The consumer has been able to pick and choose what he wants to see, and can easily ignore the rest- TiVo and the DVR changed the game for broadcast advertisements and the Internet has seen the introduction of AdBlock. Just getting your brand’s product name to the consumer can be tricky, and when you do, man, are they picky.

But with all this said, this is a good thing. Yes, agencies have to work harder and get more creative than the old click-bait strategy, but with content-driven marketing, the consumers that do choose to learn more are more likely to act on their interests. And at the end of the day, what good is 10,000 page hits if no one buys what you’re selling?

When it boils down to how “on the grid” we all are, paired with the technological advances we’ve made in recent years, the possibilities are endless in the digital world of advertising. The future isn’t so scary now, is it? (Looking at you, Ron).

Need some expert advice on ushering in some innovative strategies to align with these 2015 advertising trends? Contact our Orlando media buying agency today to develop your perfect game plan!

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