5 Conversion marketing tips & tricks to turn prospects into sales

Once a prospective customer reaches the top of your marketing funnel, they may need a gentle nudge to complete their sale. Facilitate this process by reducing friction across your shopping platforms and by creating a seamless marketing experience that is as inviting as it is enticing by using these proven conversion marketing tips and tricks

1. Keep messaging consistent across platforms

One of the quickest ways to lose a prospective sale is through a disjointed marketing experience that is confusing or jarring. Invest time in creating a consistent, multi-channel conversion marketing strategy that accurately reflects your brand wherever your customers find you. If an ad looks and feels a certain way, your website and social media should mirror that tone.

Similarly, if you promote an offer or gated content through one channel, make sure the messaging across your corresponding landing page makes sense and reiterates the promotional style your visitor saw before clicking.

2. Examine your sales cycle

Gather as much data as you can about how long it takes successful customers to move from prospect to sale. Chart cycle variations between products, with promotions and without, and based on seasonality.

Once you have this data, ask yourself whether there are opportunities to shorten this cycle and convert prospects faster or move prospects through the funnel more effectively. As an example, you may extend or target certain promotions before a holiday season or create “free-mium” products that introduce potential customers to your brand, while enticing them to buy with premium, paid upgrades.

3. Don’t underestimate the importance of remarketing campaigns

We firmly believe the saying that when salespeople hear “no” it automatically translates to “not now.”  According to InvesP, the average click-through rate on PPC campaigns is only 0.07%, while click-through rates on retarget ads jump to 0.7 percent.

The trick to making retargeting effective is to get focused on segmented audience lists that have expressed interest in a certain product, offer, or task on your site. If you aren’t sure how to create more granular remarketing lists, click here to learn more about how our team can help.

4. Personalize your shopping experience

In a study by PeopleMetrics, average Net Promoter Scores (NPS) increased from 37 to 51 out of 100 when prospects were exposed to personalization efforts that led them to believe the brand was going above and beyond for their benefit. Leverage social media to engage directly with your prospects by answering questions, giving shout outs, and addressing service gaps.

These efforts combined with carefully retargeted ad campaigns can dramatically differentiate your brand and create an instant human bond that makes people want to complete their sale.

5. Conversion marketing starts with great content

More leads mean more people are viewing your brand. And more people viewing your brand gives you more opportunities to turn a prospect into a sale. Use content marketing to help prospects discover your brand or reinforce what sets you apart from the competition. Always couple your inbound marketing campaigns with robust paid ads that ensure prospects have a connection to your brand no matter what platform they are browsing or where they are in the customer lifecycle.

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